class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Two-way Fixed Effects and Event Studies ##
### Ian McCarthy | Emory University ### Workshop on Causal Inference with Panel Data --- <!-- Adjust some CSS code for font size and maintain R code font size --> <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 30px; padding: 1em 2em 1em 2em; } .remark-code { font-size: 15px; } .remark-inline-code { font-size: 20px; } </style> <!-- Set R options for how code chunks are displayed and load packages --> # Table of contents 1. [Two-way Fixed Effects](#twfe) 2. [Event Studies](#event) 3. [In Practice](#handson) 4. [What are we estimating?](#what) --- class: inverse, center, middle name: twfe # The Idea of TWFE <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # What is TWFE? - Just a shorthand for a common regression specification - Fixed effects for each unit and each time period, `\(\lambda_{i}\)` and `\(\lambda_{t}\)` - More general than 2x2 DD but same result --- count: false # What is TWFE? Want to estimate `\(\delta\)`: `$$y_{it} = \alpha + \delta D_{it} + \gamma_{i} + \gamma_{t} + \varepsilon,$$`<br> where `\(\gamma_{i}\)` and `\(\gamma_{t}\)` denote a set of unit `\(i\)` and time period `\(t\)` dummy variables (or fixed effects). --- # TWFE in Practice ```r library(tidyverse) library(modelsummary) <- read_tsv("") reg.dat <- %>% filter(expand_year==2014 |, ! %>% mutate(perc_unins=uninsured/adult_pop, post = (year>=2014), treat=post*expand_ever) ``` --- count: false # TWFE in Practice ```r summary(lm(perc_unins ~ post + expand_ever + post*expand_ever, data=reg.dat)) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = perc_unins ~ post + expand_ever + post * expand_ever, ## data = reg.dat) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -0.115667 -0.027106 -0.006804 0.027765 0.117597 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 0.213965 0.007180 29.799 < 2e-16 *** ## postTRUE -0.054068 0.008496 -6.364 7.22e-10 *** ## expand_everTRUE -0.046326 0.009166 -5.054 7.48e-07 *** ## postTRUE:expand_everTRUE -0.018403 0.010845 -1.697 0.0908 . ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 0.04187 on 304 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.4995, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4946 ## F-statistic: 101.1 on 3 and 304 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 ``` --- count: false # TWFE in Practice ```r library(fixest) twfe <- feols(perc_unins ~ expand | State + year, data=reg.dat) twfe$coeftable ``` ``` ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## expandTRUE -0.01840269 0.003702314 -4.97059 1.220461e-06 ``` --- class: inverse, center, middle name: event # Event Studies <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # What is an event study? Event study is poorly named: - In finance, even study is just an *interrupted time series* - In econ and other areas, we usually have a treatment/control group *and* a break in time --- count: false # What is an event study? - Allows for different effect estimates at each time period (maybe effects phase in over time or dissipate) - Visually very appealing - Offers easy "smell test" for parallel trends assumption --- count: false # What is an event study? Estimate something akin to... `$$y_{it} = \gamma_{i} + \gamma_{t} + \sum_{\tau = -q}^{-1}\delta_{\tau} D_{i \tau} + \sum_{\tau=0}^{m} \delta_{\tau}D_{i \tau} + x_{it} + \epsilon_{it},$$` where `\(q\)` captures the number of periods before the treatment occurs and `\(m\)` captures periods after treatment occurs. --- # How to do an event study? First create all of the treatment/year interactions: ```r event.dat <- reg.dat %>% mutate(expand_2012 = expand_ever*(year==2012), expand_2013 = expand_ever*(year==2013), expand_2014 = expand_ever*(year==2014), expand_2015 = expand_ever*(year==2015), expand_2016 = expand_ever*(year==2016), expand_2017 = expand_ever*(year==2017), expand_2018 = expand_ever*(year==2018)) ``` --- count: false # How to do an event study? Second, run regression with full set of interactions and group/year dummies: ```r event.ins.reg <- lm(perc_unins ~ expand_2012 + expand_2014 + expand_2015 + expand_2016 + expand_2017 + expand_2018 + factor(year) + factor(State), data=event.dat) point.est <- as_tibble(c(event.ins.reg$coefficients[c("expand_2012","expand_2014","expand_2015", "expand_2016","expand_2017","expand_2018")]), rownames = "term") ci.est <- as_tibble(confint(event.ins.reg)[c("expand_2012","expand_2014","expand_2015", "expand_2016","expand_2017","expand_2018"),], rownames = "term") ``` --- count: false # How to do an event study? Third, organize results into a new dataset: ```r point.est <- point.est %>% rename(estimate = value) ci.est <- ci.est %>% rename(conf.low = `2.5 %`, conf.high = `97.5 %`) new.row <- tibble( term = "expand_2013", estimate = 0, conf.low = 0, conf.high = 0, year = 2013 ) event.plot.dat <- point.est %>% left_join(ci.est, by=c("term")) %>% mutate(year = c(2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)) %>% bind_rows(new.row) %>% arrange(year) ``` --- count: false # How to do an event study? Finally, plot coefficients and confidence intervals .plot-callout[ <img src="twfe-cdc202108_files/figure-html/es-plot-small-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- count: false # How to do an event study? <img src="twfe-cdc202108_files/figure-html/es-plot-big-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse, center, middle name: handson # Seeing things in action <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # Things to address 1. "Event time" vs calendar time 2. Define baseline period 3. Choose number of pre-treatment and post-treatment coefficients --- # Event time vs calendar time Essentially two "flavors" of event studies 1. Common treatment timing 2. Differential treatment timing --- # Define baseline period - Must choose an "excluded" time period (as in all cases of group dummy variables) - Common choice is `\(t=-1\)` (period just before treatment) - Easy to understand with calendar time - For event time...manually set time to `\(t=-1\)` for all untreated units --- # Number of pre-treatment and post-treatment periods - On event time, sometimes very few observations for large lead or lag values - Medicaid expansion example: Late adopting states have fewer post-treatment periods - Norm is to group final lead/lag periods together --- # Common treatment timing .pull-left[ **Stata**<br> ```stata ssc install reghdfe insheet using "", clear gen perc_unins=uninsured/adult_pop keep if expand_year=="2014" | expand_year=="NA" drop if expand_ever=="NA" gen post=(year>=2014) gen treat=(expand_ever=="TRUE") gen treat_post=(expand=="TRUE") reghdfe perc_unins treat##ib2013.year, absorb(state) gen coef = . gen se = . forvalues i = 2012(1)2018 { replace coef = _b[1.treat#`i'.year] if year == `i' replace se = _se[1.treat#`i'.year] if year == `i' } * Make confidence intervals gen ci_top = coef+1.96*se gen ci_bottom = coef - 1.96*se * Limit ourselves to one observation per year keep year coef se ci_* duplicates drop * Create connected scatterplot of coefficients * with CIs included with rcap * and a line at 0 from function twoway (sc coef year, connect(line)) (rcap ci_top ci_bottom year) /// (function y = 0, range(2012 2018)), xtitle("Year") /// caption("Estimates and 95% CI from Event Study") ``` ] .pull-right[ **R**<br> ```r library(tidyverse) library(modelsummary) library(data.table) library(fixest) <- read_tsv("") reg.dat <- %>% filter(expand_year==2014 |, ! %>% mutate(perc_unins=uninsured/adult_pop, post = (year>=2014), treat=post*expand_ever) mod.twfe <- feols(perc_unins~i(year, expand_ever, ref=2013) | State + year, cluster=~State, data=reg.dat) iplot(mod.twfe, xlab = 'Time to treatment', main = 'Event study') ``` ] --- # Comparing results <img src="twfe-cdc202108_files/figure-html/es-plot2-1.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto auto auto 0;" /> .plot-callout[ <img src="twfe-cdc202108_files/figure-html/es-plot1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Differential treatment timing - Now let's work with the full Medicaid expansion data - Includes late adopters - Requires putting observations on "event time" --- count: false # Differential treatment timing .pull-left[ **Stata**<br> ```stata ssc install reghdfe insheet using "", clear gen perc_unins=uninsured/adult_pop drop if expand_ever=="NA" replace expand_year="." if expand_year=="NA" destring expand_year, replace gen event_time=year-expand_year replace event_time=-1 if event_time==. forvalues l = 0/4 { gen L`l'event = (event_time==`l') } forvalues l = 1/2 { gen F`l'event = (event_time==-`l') } gen F3event=(event_time<=-3) reghdfe perc_unins F3event F2event L0event L1event L2event L3event L4event, absorb(state year) cluster(state) gen coef = . gen se = . forvalues i = 2(1)3 { replace coef = _b[F`i'event] if F`i'event==1 replace se = _se[F`i'event] if F`i'event==1 } forvalues i = 0(1)4 { replace coef = _b[L`i'event] if L`i'event==1 replace se = _se[L`i'event] if L`i'event==1 } replace coef = 0 if F1event==1 replace se=0 if F1event==1 * Make confidence intervals gen ci_top = coef+1.96*se gen ci_bottom = coef - 1.96*se * Limit ourselves to one observation per year keep if event_time>=-3 & event_time<=4 keep event_time coef se ci_* duplicates drop * Create connected scatterplot of coefficients * with CIs included with rcap * and a line at 0 from function sort event_time twoway (sc coef event_time, connect(line)) (rcap ci_top ci_bottom event_time) /// (function y = 0, range(-3 4)), xtitle("Time") /// caption("Estimates and 95% CI from Event Study") xlabel(-3(1)4) ``` ] .pull-right[ **R**<br> ```r library(tidyverse) library(modelsummary) library(data.table) library(fixest) <- read_tsv("") reg.dat <- %>% filter(! %>% mutate(perc_unins=uninsured/adult_pop, post = (year>=2014), treat=post*expand_ever, time_to_treat = ifelse(expand_ever==FALSE, 0, year-expand_year), time_to_treat = ifelse(time_to_treat < -3, -3, time_to_treat)) mod.twfe <- feols(perc_unins~i(time_to_treat, expand_ever, ref=-1) | State + year, cluster=~State, data=reg.dat) iplot(mod.twfe, xlab = 'Time to treatment', main = 'Event study') ``` ] --- class: inverse, center, middle name: what # What are we estimating? <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # Problems with TWFE - Recall goal of estimating ATE or ATT - TWFE and 2x2 DD identical with homogeneoues effects and common treatment timing - Otherwise...TWFE is biased and inconsistent for ATT --- # Inutition - OLS is a weighted average of all 2x2 DD groups - Weights are function of size of subsamples, size of treatment/control units, and timing of treatment - Units treated in middle of sample receive larger weights - Prior-treated units act as controls for late-treated units -- Just the length of the panel will change the estimate! --- # Does it really matter? - Definitely! But how much? - Large treatment effects for early treated units could reverse the sign of final estimate - Let's explore this nice Shiny app from Kyle Butts: [Bacon-Decomposition Shiny App](